Trusted Asbestos Companies in Ireland

13 Feb 2017

Trusted Asbestos Companies in Ireland

When you suspect that there is asbestos in your home or business, you need to engage with a   properly certified professional organisation to manage the situation for you. Exposure to asbestos is the biggest occupational health hazard today, so it is important that it is handled properly. OHSS is the only company in Ireland to hold to the absolute highest standards of asbestos surveying and testing. With over 20 years of experience in the field, we are the most trusted asbestos company, we are based in Dublin, Ireland and work nationwide.

We are ISO 120 and ISO 17025 accredited. This means we are accredited to conduct asbestos survey and risk assessments and asbestos analysis and management. We manage the removal and disposal of asbestos in buildings where it is found. This means we will meet all of your asbestos management and disposal needs while complying with all asbestos regulations and standards. We are also the only Irish company certified by the National Accreditation Body.

Any company that is beginning restoration, refurbishment, or construction on structures that contain asbestos must hire a professional asbestos contractor who is accredited to identify and remove the asbestos. Our employees are graduates of disciplines including chemistry, environmental science, and mineral engineering.

We also provide Ireland’s best and most extensive asbestos training programs. We teach employers and employees about the dangers of asbestos, as well as their responsibilities and legal obligations in regards to asbestos. We also provide courses on asbestos surveys, identifying asbestos, how to remove asbestos, and asbestos disposal methods.